Friday, March 02, 2007

The Track Meet

Yes. Last Wednesday, seven or eight big schools emptied out into the city stadium, and then chucked flat rubber things around, grunted under the weight of canon ball things, went flying over bars, jumping into sand pits, and running in circles. To the outside observer, we were all bonkers. However, to the carefully trained insiders eye, it was all carefully controlled chaos. It was the city track meet.

At any rate, I helped pile things into a car to take out to the stadium, helped set up all the high jump equipment, rolled shots and discii across the soccer field in preparation for the big day. Then the chaos began. Abe took first place in shot put in his age category and second in discuss. He may have taken other things, but I don't know. I took first in discuss, second in high jump, and third in the relay. I was rather disappointed with myself in high jump. I only cleared 165 cm this year, when I had cleared 170 last year. Ah well, such is life. I also competed in shot, but I didn't place.

We all came home at the end of the day, happy, hungry, thirsty and sun burnt. There was not one instance of cheating reported to the best of my knowledge, which was remarkable. Unfortunately, SIS (my school) lost the trophy to Yemen Modern School, but we lost a lot of brilliant athletes when the seniors graduated last year. I think we would have won the relay had Tarik been there, as well as several other sprints. Additionally, Hazim could have done something about some of the long distance events, and Jeremy could have put me in my place with Discus. We only had two really serious female athletes as well, which is where YMS made over half of their points. Only one or two more girls would have made a big difference on the number of points we had at the end of the day. I doubt we would have won even so, but it would have been much closer than it was.


Anonymous said...

First post! Booyah! I'm not sure I would have been much help for a first place in only one sport (shame that all those senior up and left, eh? Personally I think they missed Melanie more than moi. (She did get five golds that one year). SPRING BREAK!

Jasmine said...

man. . .you remember those first few track meets? so much fun, man. good times. the sad thing is, i'm in even worse shape now than i was back then!

Graham said...

Track meets have always been special to me. No idea why. Honestly. For once, I am not being facetious! Savor this feeling... for it is unique. Oops, it ended.

Melanie was a great loss. I think we had 2 serious female atheletes on the team this year. Not so good, cause YMS made over half their points like that. I have the feeling that I said that before... not a good sign: senile at seventeen... no wait... I think I had a birthday recently...