Sunday, March 04, 2007

On Philosophy and other stuff...

I think I am a connoisseur. Of rock. I like and admire all sorts of things in music that drive my parents and friends and siblings, and everyone else as well for that matter, up the wall. I just read a SF short story/novella on the nature of connoisseurs, time traveling and the human spirit. Brilliant piece of work, only problem is that I don't remember who wrote it or what it was called. I have it upstairs, If anyone is really interested, I can dig it out for you. At any rate, one of the themes was that a connoisseur is someone who can really enjoy something that the proletariat can't, or rather, doesn't. Now however, we are all doused in different things to different levels, so while I am a connoisseur of rock, I can't stand other things, such as the twentieth century classic novel. People must like them, 'cause they're classics, but somehow when I read I experience, not just hear, and most of twentieth century literature is gloom, doom, despair, and agony, which I can't say I like.

I doubt I will start a major trend or anything here, but I want to post a list and see if anyone else has come up with a list anything like it. Ok:

Interesting things I have done while the electricity is out:
Burnt my hair (not intentionally)
studied computer programming by candlelight... (didn't notice anything ironic for a while)
made strike on box candles (by wrapping matches in melted wax from candles)
Studied AP chemistry (I felt like an alchemist fooling with archaic symbols by candlelight)

to end on a happy note, I CAN DO IMPLICIT INTEGRATION FINALLY! Yeah! happy. That may be the single hardest math concept I have tried to date...