Friday, April 28, 2006

Cars and Evolution and are they Connected?

For the moment, let us all pretend that we are evolutionists. (Something I like to do occasionally. I like to think that it will give me a firmer base to stand on if I ever have to defend my faith.) That roll assumed, let me ask a question, or rather several questions. Why are some human males infatuatted with cars? Where does this trait come from? To carry it on, and not to be sexist, why are human females often so much less interested in cars? Is evolution so fast that the last 80 years, (the amount of time the automobile has been affordable) have markedly changed us, and if so, how is it beneficial to the race as a whole, and to the individual? If it is not, (car accidents are the leading cause of death in the US,) what caused us to be pre-evolved to "like" cars? I have thought of something, but I want to see if you all can come up with something better: I don't want to influence your thoughts before you comment. (hint hint.)