Saturday, September 16, 2006

Word Recognition Software

I have done it. My calculator now recognizes three words: Yes, No, and Dunno, and responds to them. I am quite proud of it. I can program it to recognize more words, but it gets hairy fast. What I did was I assigned numbers to letters and then had the words (when multiplied together) demand responses. However, if I start doing long words and letters like z, the numbers will rack up in a big hurry and I will wind up writting a really buggy program. It works. I'm happy. Enough said.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Quasi English

After youth group this week (a lot of my life revolves around youth group, so chances are you will be hearing about it a lot) we were taking a taxi home. We found one for a reasonable price and got in. For all my Yemeni readers, we had one of those drivers that have had lessons in english, and for my non Yemeni readers, this involves bouncing back and forth in the two languages randomly. At any rate, we got about half way home before we stopped at this traffic light, and this big lalualui (land cruiser) pulls out from the right, drives around in a circle in the intersection, and then promptly stopped, hood to hood, with our taxi. I started to laugh, it was such a Yemeni move. At any rate, our taxi driver decides its time to show off his linguistic skill, raises his hands in a gesture of incomprehension, and says "What the fxxxing you?" I thought, yeah, I'm about as confused, but I didn't say it, I just laughed harder as the lalualui backed up, dodged two motorbikes in the middle of the intersection, and tore off back in the direction he had come from. I got a kick out of it. Its these little things that I live for.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Calculator Dependency

I have been developing bad habits. Lately, I have discovered that I can't do math unless I have my calculator sitting beside me with the cover off and turned on. It just has to be there for me to be able to think for some reason. Today, I turned it on and left it while I did my homework, even though I didn't use it once. Last night I tried to program it, but the manual is poorly written, so I guess I will just have to fool with it for several hours before I get it. I figured out how to do if/then functions physics this morning while I was only sorta paying attention.