Saturday, October 07, 2006


In, well, my hair. I'm fine, no one seemed to notice whatever missing hair there is and Mom and Dad don't know yet. Here's what happened so you can all laugh at me with me. (I don't doubt that Jeffrey will laugh loudest). Last night the power was out and I was working on posting calculator code on my physics blog with what remaining battery power was left to me, and I had two candles lit sitting right next to my calculator so I could see what I was doing. I heard a snapping sound, and thought, 'The candles are popping.' I looked up. Sure enough, they were snapping happily away. I looked down again, as the thought, 'my hair might be burning,' passed through some dark recess of my mind (of which there are many). Suddenly, ash began to drift downwards ever so slowly and covered the desk with blackened curled up hairs. A feeling of intense alarm swept through me as the aroma of burnt hair swept past my nostrils. The next cognitive thing I did was reach up and see if it was still burning. It wasn't, so I went back to studying in a room that didn't smell quite as good as it did before and with a little more "dust" so to speak, laying around.

On a more serious note though, I have a lot of work to do for the day after tomorrow (the ninth of whatever month it is...I really should get myself a watch that tells me the month as well as the day... Unfortunately, Casio builds stuff for smart people who can keep track of things like months, and Casio is the only brand of watch I can't shred within six weeks...I should get a job working for a watch company. If the watch survives me for a year its well worthy of being sold.) And I have no clue how I am going to get it all done, so I will log off and get back to work. Prayers would be appreciated.