Saturday, February 10, 2007

100! (And other things)

This is very cool: post one hundred. *Bells and chimes and angels singing hallelujah and fireworks and other stuff along those lines* I have also been attacked by a very large and very vicious army in imperia online... 1000 troops I think... not sure there, the read out was this bizarre mix of Arabic, Chinese, English and other bizarre characters and numbers. One of the numbers was 1000. Ok on to more interesting topics. A random fact of life: cat + laser = fun. A tad sadistic, but highly amusing. There are some really pretty animated fractal flames at image savant, I linked it, you really should go there. Amazing stuff, but not for slow Internet, unless like me you just can't stay away from the stuff. Its so... amazingly... beautiful!

To relate a small experience or two from the day. Tonight, I had a mountain of homework. Several evil teachers ganged up on me and decided that they would try to kill me with sleep deprivation. It failed haha! I stoked up on techno (the really really fast kind) and I was somehow able to manipulate my iPod, read my text book and still do my calc homework at about 2 normal speed. I doubt I can do that many times, but it sure was amazing tonight. I also got physics out of the way as well as government. By my teacher's admission, I probably shouldn't be taking the class, but if I drop it I have to leave the honors program, so I won't. A note to those who don't know me well: I hate politics. The only excusable instance of politics is in Frank Herbert's Dune. Amazing stuff that, somehow I have to read conversations through multiple times to understand half of whats going on, but the thorough dousing in it has (I like to think) made me slightly more subtle. Jeffrey and Jeremy are going to laugh in my face here, but then to quote Marvin the depressed robot; (not part of anything Frank Herbert) "Its part of the shape of the universe."

Finally, Mr. George (my lit teacher, notorious for not being very good at much of anything) pulled an awesome stunt today. I asked leave to print off an assignment that I had done, and was granted leave to do so. So I printed it off and handed it to him. He put it down in front of him, and had lost it and was asking me for it again by the end of the period. Fun fun. I made him look for it (politely I think... hope) and he eventually found it again, but all the same, I think he just set a new record for speed of teacher loosing assignment in this school at any rate. Ok, I have waxed loquacious enough, I am now sated with penning my own existence to the Internet.


Anonymous said...

First Post! Yeah!

This George fellow doesn't seem like much of a good teacher, from what I've heard. Bummer for you. I absolutely hated government/politics as well (it's awful), and I can't stand politics either. Don't worry Grayhey, you are among friends.

Graham said...

how are the tests? do they have anything to do with the book? cause if they do I'm sunk. That book is so poorly written that I can read a page and not remember one thing from it. Almost all other books I can remember something from the text while reading like that, but with this book nothing. I think my mind is trying to block out a tramatizing experience with this book. Why can't we study dune? That book is so loaded with politics its unbelevable, but its all pakaged so nicely you hardly notice.

Anonymous said...

Tests could be anything, because I've never had him. If he uses Mr. Schafer's tests, you need to know how the different kinds of government compare to each other and junk like that. Sorry man, most the tests I remember are from the book. Find someone to study with, I guess.

Graham said...

ike. not cool.

Jasmine said...

how do you know it's your 100th post? is there something magical that announces it? good luck with school. ha ha. hey Purdue just got a snow day. pretty cool, huh?

Jeffrey said...

Is Jason doing that class with you? He'd probably make a good study partner...provided you could convince him you would actually work...