Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Me Bro got a Blog!

cool. Very cool. I'm gonna have to get him to post some more on it. I put it in the links. His name is Abraham if you don't know him. He has a great post up about his trip to bab al mandab. More soon.


Anonymous said...

you'll never believe it, but I'll be moving to Indiana before you will!!!

I promise, we'll have to have you over for dinner.

How old is Abraham?

Graham said...

awesome! I talked to Andrew last summer about talking to some of the people I have met blogging, but most of them were in strange places...

Abraham? he is two and a half years younger than I am, but we treat eachother as equals purdy much, so expect someone older than his years.

Christina said...

Mom and dad just bought a house last Saturday, and mom is coming back tomorrow. I hope the Heinrichs (the people who are thinking about buying our house) will bite the bullet and just get a bridge loan so we can get outa there. We close on the new house on April 27th. Andrew has already volunteered me for chior, that's sooo Andrew.

So Abraham's about my age. Cool. I've met people who are like that. Older than they really are. It's awesome. Must be the whole looking up to your bro/sis type thing.

Graham said...

that but then for some reason people who grow up over seas can be that way as well. Me only sorta. My social skill development more than make up for any precociousness in any other areas of my life. lol.

Christina said...


Jasmine said...

man, i get on blogger for the first time in 2 weeks, and this is all you've changed. . .NOTHING!! sheesh. booooring.

Jasmine said...

man, i get on blogger for the first time in 2 weeks, and this is all you've changed. . .NOTHING!! sheesh. booooring.