Friday, March 30, 2007

About to do Something

... Dangerous... theoretically... maybe... um... yeah. What am I about to do? I am about to watch the Matrix with my dear mother who already knows that its my favorite movie, and I might be beheaded for liking something that is as vulgar and violent as it is. This is spoken from her view point not mine by the way. I hope that she doesn't have any informers reading this blog... cause I'm pretty sure she doesn't read it first person. Anyway, I will give you an update on the situation of my headedness or headlessness after the ordeal. I managed to talk her into watching it, now I am rethinking it... Oh well, can't back out now, time for bravado... or the lack there of depending on the situation... life is just full of these little uncertainties isn't it?


Anonymous said...

I am sure your mom will enjoy the Matrix.. I mean how could she not?

Christina said...

I saw it for the first time last Tuesday, I don't think I've ever seen a weirder movie. It was well made, but I didn't like it.

Graham said...

thanks for the vote of encouragement. We are now halfway through the movie, and I don't think she is getting it. I think its a tad to mind bending for her. I am deep into SF stuf. I have read five or six books in the last two weeks and all of them were SF. (spring break helped. I normally don't have enough time to do serious reading) I love the movie, but I understand a lot of people that don't like it, so I won't ridicule you. It is well made though. I'll give an update when we finish sometime. It may be a day or 2.

Jasmine said...

I love how you think SF is serious reading. . .lol. I love the Matrix it's great---just don't ever let your mother watch the second one. EVER.

Graham said...

I may be a bit strange: I enjoy bending my mind around impossible stunts such as posed in SF books. I don't take much of it seriously. I havn't seen #2 yet so I can't laugh with you, but I heard it gets purdy nasty.

Anonymous said...

Good call habla, I would have to agree. Don't ever let her see the second one. Especially the second one. Really.

Also, who doesn't like the matrix? What kind of person doesn't appreciate the matrix? No offense intended, just amazement.

By the way, 300. That's all I have to say. Amazing. Just AMAZING.

Christina said...

One of my friends said that the second and third Matrix movies are even more SciFi than the first. And I've also heard that lotsa people have to have a Bible in their lap to understand the story. w/e

Graham said...

I can't argue on that one, seeing as I havn't actually seen either of them. I am dead set on doing so when I get to university.

Anonymous said...


That's not why Habla and I are warning you. There are some...other parts in the 2nd and 3rd. Yeah. But the second has some amazing fight scenes. The original Matrix has a balance of reality and Matrix fighting, where the 2nd is mostly Matrix and the 3rd mostly reality. 2nd is worth seeing, and if you've seen the first two, you might as well watch the third, eh?

Graham said...

sorry about the confusion there. the either should have been any. I accepted your advice, I just didn't say anything. My comment was on another tangent thats all. I am looking forwards to seeing all of those movies next year. I do think that you have a point about not showing the second one to my mom though. I have heard that it is rather raunchy in places.