Sunday, April 08, 2007

My Manic Weekend

I still haven't finished the Matrix with my mom. She hasn't acted like she really enjoyed it, but then I guess that was sorta to be expected. I will give you an update when we finish if I remember. Anyway, these last two days have been jam packed full of all sorts of insane activities. Yesterday started the day off by going to the Sheraton (the only swimming pool my mom likes in Sana'a) with most of the youth group. I don't like swimming much, but we played water polo, ping pong, sat in the steam room and the sauna, and had quasi wrestling matches the purpose of which was to get as many people other than yourself into the pool while you yourself remained outside. Fun. Except my hair gets in my eyes when it's wet and then I can't see anything.

After the pool, we all went to the Erskine's house, an involved family that hosts the youth group, has great kids, great parents, and are from the UK. Mr. Erskine teaches me Calculus. I think it's my favorite class this year. I have never done such insane things with numbers before in my life. Very very fun though, provided you get at least 2% of it... which I barely do. Anyway, we painted Easter eggs for the Easter egg hunt which was today. Our fellowship traditionally has a sunrise service (to stay awake I pump up on caffeine and techno) with an Easter egg hunt for the kids afterwards which is run by the youth group. However, remembering my pre youth group days I never really remember reading any of the eggs, so I stopped making serious eggs that say things like "he is risen" and filled most (only 2 exceptions) of my eggs with interesting messages like "call me bob" and "throw this egg" I also (this will amuse a select few) made a "Luke was here" egg complete with arrow and dot. I managed (with the help of Jason) to work out the bio hazard symbol, after successfully dying the inside of my radioactive egg green. Fun.

Meanwhile, it is the middle of the rainy season here in Yemen, which means that half of the city gets rain every day for two weeks, and the other half gets rain maybe twice a week for three weeks. Very strange, but you get used to it. Needless to say, it was raining. Not hard, but steadily. We usually carpool with two other families, but everyone was busy so we had to take a taxi. We got a new one, but all sorts of things were busted on the inside for some reason and so the inside of the windows was all fogged up. (A side note: the fog stuff is called nja'a. Learn something everyday.) Anyway, we all got out at Hannah's house (one of the girl's we carpool with) and decided that we should all just run home from there. In the rain. So we did. For some obscure reason, by the time we got home, I was feeling hyper. Hyper enough to feel inspired to write a song with chorus of "I am wired/eight red bull's/ I'm wired!" haven't actually gotten around to writing it, (not that I have ever had eight red bull's) but I think it might have potential.


Anonymous said...

Aww, I miss the Easter egg painting. That was always awesome!

Jeffrey said...

yes...write the song...give me yet another opportunity to laugh at you.

Graham said...

I should drink 8 red bulls and then try to write it, just for the experience of mega caffeine buzz...

yeah, the easter egg painting missed you as well. The 8 ball was a flop this year.

Christina said...

Man, I just cannot wait to live less than 25miles away from you.

Graham said...

I am glad that my effervecent personality has amused you. I would bow, but its tricky to do digitally... I am looking forwards to it myself.

Unknown said...

On a completely unrelated note, I can touch the rim! How awesome is that? On a regulation-size basket, no less. College truly is magic, eh? Your turn =) Learn to dunk or something (wouldn't put it past you, if you haven't already learned to do it)

Graham said...

I can jam riffs, but that isn't nearly as impressive as the rim thing. I can't dunk, but I can stuff a ping pong ball on a good day. Not much athletic happens around here now that you aren't here to make it happen anymore, so I don't get a lot of practice. I am looking forwards to the interesting parts of this summer big time!

Christina said...

Have you decided when you're gonna make the big move yet?

Graham said...

decided yes. Do I know? well... that is a different matter. I have no clue. sometime early in the summer, but I may not be in northern Indy. I still don't have anything that looks like a drivers licence, so I have to go to drivers edd first, and it looks like I will be doing that in martinsville (however that is spelled) which is some ways south of Indy (I think)

Jasmine said...

Woah. I miss the Easter egg painting and stuff. I actually let my kids dye easter eggs the friday before easter. That was FUN. (note the sarcasm) No, they came out really well for kindergarten easter eggs. I was rather impressed with some of them.
On Easter itself I went spelunking instead of having any sort of service. . .