Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Pipe Organs...

And guitars. Who would have thought?

At any rate, I have discovered some things about pipe organs that surprised me. This is anything out of whatever I expected.

They are loud. Yes I previously knew they were loud, but they are louder than I thought.
They have lots of pipes per key. The ones you see on the outside are just one set. There are lots more inside.
They can sound really funky. Who ever heard of a pipe organ that sounds like a bell?
They are electrical. It makes sense to control it with electronics, but it wasn't what I was expecting.
The cool factor is through the roof.
And finally, whoever thought of the whole pipe organ concept and was crazy enough to actually go out and build one is some sort of twisted genius. Emphasis on twisted. Twisted, but cool. Very cool. Very twisted, very cool.

In two hours from now I'm going to be blowing Lafayette down again. I hope I can survive the cool factor again. I think I'm prepared for it this time, but all the same, the deal was out of this world. Way out.


Christina said...

AWESOME! I just wish I had the physical ability to play something with keys...I'll get over it.......eventually........

You know, I've heard organs, but I don't believe I've actually heard one with pipes before. Sadly, all the churches with pipe organs I've been to either don't play them or they're not hooked up to the organ.

Graham said...

Pipe organs do cause quite a rukus... U wouldn't want one on all the time, but why you would instal one and then not have it set up so that you can use it is way beyond me.

I don't like pianos because there are just way too many little tiny buttons. Way to many. And an organ is four times the fun. Three keyboards and then these weird pedal things for your feet.

Christina said...

Hey, Graham, in your previous post, where's your guitar?

Graham said...

um... I was carying her around with me at the time? lol. jk. Its just to the left of my computer. I only got one of the closets in. There is another closet right across the room from the other one, so there is a closet on your right and on your left as you enter the room. My guitar and amp and everything is right in front of the closet on the left as you enter the room, and for some reason I didn't manage to get it in... Weird! as an extension of my soul I would have thought I would have put her in...