Sunday, September 16, 2007

My Room + Futon = ...

This is a fast view of my room with tiny pics taken on my cell phone, which I now cannot live without. It was a super fast transition between never used one and can't live without one.

This is a picture of my bed. Its not really clear, but you can sort of see that I have a little head room once you get past the initial board. Its really comfortable.

a view of my desk. Yes, it really is this messy. I need to do something about it. I'm now blogging on the computer in the picture... This blog is really what my room looks like.

my room mates' desks and one of our unused tvs. My desk is the one closest to the camera on the far left.

this is the view just to the right of the previous picture. One of the desks is in the far left corner as you face away from the door, and we have a huge window across from the door. Those fans are both 2o inches tall. The top of the windows is another 30 cm up. On the right side of the picture is the tv that we are using

this picture is taken slightly to the right of the previous picture There is the other tv we don't use, except as a bed side table thing. It smells like smoke though. We might need to do something about it. These are our beds. My bed is the one in the middle. There is actually a good deal more room in there that you can't see. This is another picture of our beds, but you can also see our fridge in the back a little bit, as well as our food shelf and a futon. The futon is interesting, because you have to climb over it to get into the other half of the room.

ye olde futone. Which we have to climb over to get into the other half of the room. Behind it is Daniel's chest and under that is my chest of drawers. On top of the chest are Kleenexes and such. To give you an idea of how huge the futon is, I can lay down on it and have a little bit of space at both my head and my foot.

And that's about it. Very comfortable, less space than there was, but over all, the futon was a good improvement to our room.


Justin said...

Why did you measure the fan and windows?

Anonymous said...

That's so messy! My goodness. But totally Grahamlike. Good to see that you've developed a comfortable place to inhabit for the next year or so. I'll send you some photos of my nice clean tidy room as comparison.

Christina said...

Did you get your futon at that place in Lafayette next to King's Buffet? If I was willing to, I'd spend over $300 to replace my day bed with a futon, but it's not something I want to invest in....yet. It's gotta be nice for launging now, though.

Jeffrey said...

nice closet...where's your room?

Christina said...

how do you get in your bed? being a short person, this greatly puzzles me....

Graham said...

I didn't measure the windows. The fan said "20 inches" in big letters on the box, and everything from there is an estimation.

Talle, you are always amazing. Not sure how u keep ur room like that...

The futon is my room mate's not sure where he got it from. I think it belongs to his parrents.

its not actually as small as the pictures make it look. I really like it. It is stretching my room mates, but after my room in Yemen its huge. And we have 2 closets.

I get into bed with a combination pull up/flip/iron man/leap. I have somehow always been very creative with how I get into bed. Ask Talle or Jeffrey.

Christina said...


My family loved the baby picture of you. Thanks for sending it.

Hope you have a good time at your aunt and uncle's.

Anonymous said...

Hey, thanks for the pix of your room. I suppose it could be messier...but I'm not sure exactly how to suggest you do that. I had to laugh at your jumping over the futon to get to the other half of the room. Such a solution. How about a pix with your roommates, next?

Jasmine said...

ha ha. . .i love your room. I had many guy friends whose rooms looked like that. One or two girls I knew, too. But mostly guys. Your furniture, except for the beds look like my college furniture. Sad. :(

Jasmine said...

ha ha. . .i love your room. I had many guy friends whose rooms looked like that. One or two girls I knew, too. But mostly guys. Your furniture, except for the beds look like my college furniture. Sad. :(