Monday, April 30, 2007

APs comming up

As if I had nothing better to post about. Anyway, I have calculus and literature coming up May 8 and 9 I think. One of those days is MY weekend, but after those are over, I should have plenty of time to relax and have fun, or so I tell myself. I will probably wind up working harder than ever. Oh well. More importantly and despite the title, Dad is leaving for the States tonight. He is going to the airport in about 30 minutes, but the plane doesn't take off until after midnight, so he technically leaves tomorrow. He is planning on buying a house somewhere close to Purdue University... hopefully. Anyways, that is the plan. He is taking most of my science fiction collection... All I really have left here that I want to take to the States is my guitar. I imagine that when it comes down to cleaning out I am going to run over more memories than I can handle, and will wind up cracking up all over the place, but I will deal with that when it happens. I haven't really had to say goodbye to a place before, and I may as a result want to bring my shrapnel collection and all my art supplies as well as books and books of random creativity that I have somehow managed to fill with all sorts of abstract things that are about as organized as this sentence is becoming... but again, that is then. Meanwhile, I have APs to freak out about. Prayer would be appreciated.


Anonymous said...

Have fun with the AP's man! The only advice I can give for those is that, morning of the calc AP, read a bunch of corny math jokes: it's not mentally strenuous, but it gets your brain thinking in math instead of english. Can't help you with the english ap though, just suffer through and polish up your make-stuff-upper.

As for the leaving the house part, I know exactly what you mean. But you'll get back eventually, so you at least have that. The trick is not to get attached to your house in the states before you go to college, just make it a very long transition from Yemen to dorm room. Praying for you!

PS: would appreciate a little prayer on my behalf as well: this is finals week for me!!

Graham said...

corny math jokes, huh? I gotta try that. Sounds like sollid advice. meanwhile, I have one for you. Two men were lost in a baloon. As they are floating over a canyon, the first says "maybe we can get help by asking where we are" so he calls down "where are we?" after it echos around for a while the two men have just about given up hope that they will be answered when a faint voice echoes back "you are lost!" "well," says the first man "that was a mathematician" the second man puzzles that one out. "how do you figure that?" he asks. "three reasons" the first man says. "one, the answer took a long time in comming. Second, it was perfectly acurate. Finally, it was absolutly worthless."

I will try to do as you advise. Did you accidentally get hooked on your house?

I'm praying for you. Can't say I have really been through that one before, but I think I get the picture.

Christina said...

So, will all of you be in the states, or just you? If you have a ride to and from the University, you should check out Rossville. It's like 13 miles from Lafayette and the housing is a LOT cheaper. Just trying to be helpful.

Graham said...

Its really mixed up actually. At the moment its just dad in the states. Then Both Dad and I go back to get me into driving school and get all my things sorted for university then dad goes back and mom comes and then mom goes and I stay in the states for a year. Mom and dad have very specific houses in very certain areas that they are looking at. Thanks for the suggestion though

Jasmine said...

why do you need a house? is there something wrong with the dorms? dorm life is half of the college experience, and one of the best parts of the first couple years. i wouldn't trade my time in the dorm for anything!

Graham said...

nothing is 2 wrong with the dorms except for price. They are a little expensive. There are several reasons we are getting a house. I think it is going to be a future retirement home for my mom and dad. Also, it allows us to say that we have a house in Indiana, therefore we should recieve instate tuition, and it might be useful for cheap housing if I decide to get out of the dorms.

Anonymous said...

Wait, are you living in the dorms or not? Because you really really should, at least for one year. Seriously. Really really.

Jasmine said...

yeah. . .what he said. . .I'm now completely confused about where you're actually going to live! but you DEFINITELY should live in the dorm. you'll probably want to move out junior or senior year, but at least for the first year or two, you should get that experience and make those friends.

Graham said...

I am staying in the dorms for the first year at least. After that I might move out and into the house. We bought the house for four reasons actually. The first two are so that we can be considered domicile in Indiana which means I can get an Indiana divers licence and I can go to Purdue on in State tuition which is a third of the price. Thirdly, the dorms are wicked expensive so it might actually be cheaper to live off campus with several other guys some time in the future. Finally, it is sort of a future retirement home for Mom and Dad but they do plan to spen a year in it 2 years from the summer.

Jasmine said...

thanks, I feel better now.

Anonymous said...

As do I.