Wednesday, August 16, 2006


I just finished a many hour long car trip from Lafayette to somewhere in the middle of a retirement sector in Tennessee. However, despite the dull drudgery of that statement, the last three or so days have been undiluted, unadulterated, pure, fun. (Whether or not Andrew echoes this I know not, suffice for the moment that I enjoyed it) We played music, blew digital enemies off the face of digital never-never land into alternate realities, discussed possible science fiction tales, watched Pirates II, went bowling, and got ice cream. Day one was a church dinner, and I got to see friends one last time before we left, while eating very good food. Day two, we fooled with each other's musical compositions, (or rather, Andrew fooled with mine, his were slightly more complex than my prehensile grasp of music, so I left them...) We blew digital bad guys into digital astral who knows where on the computer, and then watched pirates II late at night. The next morning, we got up at the crack of noon, or rather, the crack of 11:00 or so. I think I am a minute or two off, but that matters not in the cosmic swing of the multiverse...(hopefully) and went out to Taco Bell, which was a first for me. I had never had whatever I ate at that place before. It was really good though, reminiscent of a creation in Yemen know otherwise as a Shwarma. (Semitic languages don't sound so good to English ears...) We got back, went to Paul's house, and played music Andrew did piano, Paul did base, and I of course played my beloved Kiara who is NOT named after the actress. (things I discovered while watching pirates II a second time. Needless to say this caused some amusement with certain more culture versed individuals, and will probably continue to do so...) I could play music forever... Maybe I should be a rock star... nah, mom would kill me...Just on the side? No, she will kill you! Hmm, maybe this shirt is having an effect on me...(it says "demented" in large letters across the front...) Anyway, that was three days in 77 square inches.

any ideas, concepts, or implied affiliations are copyrighted, but I won't take any responsibility for them either, so they are probably just going to sit here as a result of my irritation with the crazy legal system in the aforesaid country...At least, I think it was aforesaid...I had to have mentioned the US somewhere on this blog...


Jasmine said...

that's ok. . .we spell her name Keira Knightley anyways. . .although, she is really hot, nobody would blame you for naming your guitar after her. . .she's hot, guitars are hot (is it electric?--that gives it even more hot points!)

and wait! you had never been to Taco Bell before? what did you get there that tasted like a shwarma to you? you are sooo strange. i miss taco bell.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you had fun in Lafayette. I was hoping it would be a good time. How was Abe's time? What's his blog?

Dad, taking over Phantom of the Kitchen's Anonymous slot. (Who is that guy anyhow?)

Jeffrey said...

Were you like hyper or something when you wrote this?
Taco bell is pretty good, though i got tired of it the last time i was in America (we went to it like once a week or something). I rather suspect you were demented before you bought the shirt. And playing music forever would prevent you from eating, so that might not be a good plan... Anyways, I discovered that you actually are going to be in Yemen for ultimate frisbee, but you will probably be too tired to go to it...

Andrew said...

ha, of course i echo was a blast...

hyper? heh, graham's never!

Graham said...

hmm. I got nailed. People must pay a lot more attention to detail than I do... Kiara, Keira... phoey. She is an electric (you can sorta see it in the pic...)

I had never been to taco bell. I gave up with the soft shell taco or whatever it was and rolled it up like a shwarma, but it didn't taste like it so much...

yes, I am strange, but I am proud of it, thanks for the complement.

Abe had a good time too I guess, but he is his own usual laconic self, so I really don't know. Abe does not have a blog. I am blogging, hense, they are dumb.

I was not hyper. Unles my normal, effervescent personality is considered hyper. Playing music forever would work, because it is so rejuvenating I wouldn't really need to eat...or not. Frisbe! awesome! To tired? me? Jeffrey, dost thou not know me? I am Graham, the insane ever enerjetic.

I do get hyper. bad things happen. very bad things.

Anonymous said...


He won't be back in time - not til 24th at 2315.

Graham's Dad stealing "Phantom of the Kitchen's" anonymous slot and thereby provoking international outrages. Can't wait to see him flame.

Jeffrey said...

sorry graham, i thought you were coming back the night before. I misunderstood what was told me.

Graham said...

my agent is probably correct, lol. (he is one of those precise people...down to several minutes, which, considering the average psyche of the Yemeni airport offical is iffy at best...

Anonymous said...

PEACE! Hehe...

Anonymous said...

You have stolen my name and therby elavated my otherwise tarnished name. For this I thank you.

The Phantom of the Kitchen.

PS. I will post this again in a place where it is more likly to be noticed by our hyperactive patrom.

Graham said...

your mistake was to tell him your intentions dad.