Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Camping is nonsensical. Why create civilization if the only point of it is to get away from it? Besides, civilization is good: it has electricity, computers, music, IM, email, soft beds, and toilets that don't stink and aren't in a building far away where you have to walk to get there, and when you pull up the lid on a toilet in civilization, you can't see this cess pool, sitting turgedly there, putrifying the place. Besides all these good resons not to go camping, all my friends, whether in Yemen or America, are all in some form of civilization. This ends my tirade on camping.

Despite all that though, there was one good thing about camping: we got to go jet skiing. Those things are fun! Dad got on, and took off for the far shore, going at about 4/5 throtle, turned around, and came back, same speed. He did get up to full throtle for a while, but he settled back down. I got on, and floored it, and went in circles, and figure eights, and every other kinky geometric shape I could think of. While I was using the monster given to me the way it was designed to be used, Dad fell off. I wasn't trying to or anything, but that doesn't stop me from feeling really good about it afterwards. I think I also terrified my mom, but I was going slow and wasn't being nuts, so that was kinda bad I think, but the rest of it was awesome. You would hit a wave, and have to eat it you were going so fast, spray shooting up in an arc from your sides...Awesome in every way.

One last thing. The Michigan dunes. They are tinny. If you have ever been there, immagine something about three times taller and twice as steep composed of perfectly dry, powdered sand, you have Socotra's dunes. The clossest thing to the dunes on Socotra was the glacer hill thingie, but even they fell short of Socotra's dunes, and these were half rock and on a rock, and thus were cheating, but then, you can't expect all of plannet earth to be as good as Socotra...


Jeffrey said...

I thought you went camping on Socotra. Clearly you don't hate it. Is it perhaps camping with only your family with you that you hate? The jet-ski thing sounds awesome. I have always wanted to drive one of those.

Anonymous said...

oh, I know, I know, I really want to jet-ski as well. And the reason that Graham disenjoyed his camping experience was of course the fact that camping in the semi-civilized camping spots in the states is nowhere near as fun as camping in the beautious desolation that is Socotra. Plus, there was nothing to blow up or destroy or hike 5 miles to see there, I assume. Anyway, SOCOTRA ROCKS, and that's all there is to say, really.

Christina said...

Camping is awsome!!! There's nothing else I'd rather spend my weekend doing. I love not having technology or computer or phones or anything like that, that's what camping's for!! To get a break!! Jet-Skies are cool even though I've never drivin' one. We do have a boat but on the water is not my place of revelry. I prefer actually swimming.

Graham said...

I can enjoy doing almost anything, provided I have friends with me, thus I enjoyed Socotra, desolate though it was. Janus (why can't this guy settle on one name?) does have a good point with the explosion thing though, heh, heh.

If you ever get to drive a jet ski, don't drive straight. Its no fun. Go drunk.

Anonymous said...

I have but one identity.

The Phantom of the Kitchen.

Jasmine said...

hmmm. . .driving a jet ski drunk. . .not a good plan, man. and i toootally agree with you about camping. It's stupid.
Sure, God made the outdoors, but he gave us the brains to build houses and computers and electricity and stuff too. So yeah. That's my basic reasoning.
Really, I just hate being without my basic wants.

Anonymous said...

Oops, forgot to announce that I, Jeremy, am now Janus, just cause I thought I should change it. Besides, Janus has a cool history. And how on earth would the phantom of the kitchen find himself camping on Socotra with graham (unless he's really Mr. Stanton in disguise)?

Graham said...

but one identity...surely your name in certain governmental databases is not the phantom of the kitchen...

drunk is the way to go, regardless of whether or not it is a good idea. (in the nonalchoholic sense of the word...)

Only Jer would write like that...no hidden identity there man!

Anonymous said...

Sehr gut, I though my writing was identifiable enough not to merit an explanation, and you got it, so it all works, eh?

Anonymous said...

Your chatter is most ammusing.

The Phantom of the Kitchen.

Anonymous said...

Chatter? I appreciate you stepping down from your pedastal to tell us that. I'll keep it down to an unobtrusive murmur from now on.

And, uh, it's amusing, one 'm' only. Hehe.

Anonymous said...

Whoops, I spelled it pedastal, and it should have been pedestal. And then I criticized your spelling! Oh well, being a normal person, I'm allowed to make mistakes, right? But pedestal is a harder word, you have to admit that.

Graham said...

there is this funny thing...All my friends in yemen find the phantom a slightly annoying triviallity, when the said phantom seems to be questing for infamy...

I get you Janus, loud and clear. obtuse language has only rarely been a stumbling block for yours truely...