Saturday, June 17, 2006

My Weekend

I know this sounds funny to you American types, but I just finished having my last weekend of the school year(weekends here are Thursday-Friday) . I did a lot of stuff: so much that it would not fit nicely on a blog, and it certainly would not be fun to read, so I will give you a list, and then let you vote in the comments, and the top two picked will get posted:

My Friend's Exodus
Abe's birthday party
five hour Mech Warrior Fray
A day of Firsts
Thermite Attempts
Narnia The Movie
Zarz of Hazard


Anonymous said...

Oh please, let us hear your views on Narnia the movie and hope they are not as twisted as your views on Ben Hur.

The Phantom of the Kitchen.

Jeffrey said...

Xebec and Zarz of Hazard would be cool, i didn't know u did anything with them recently

Anonymous said...

I want to hear about the thermite attempt.


Graham said...

I am not sure if I am supposed to take our phantom seriously...

Jeffrey said...

Your dad is no longer a ghost Graham!
but he doesn't need to be anonymous. he should write his name in

Graham said...

yeah, he is still new to this...