Monday, March 13, 2006

Rain, Scorpions, and Deadlines

Today and last night have been some of the most stressful hours of my life. Today was the deadline for several things, including a test, (which I wasn't allowed to take unless I spent about five hours doing a review, which I was assigned two days ago,) and a game about the American Civil War, which Jeremy set up and I should have done something with several weeks ago. I just finished taking the test, and it looks like I will be passing this year, going to Socotra, and feeling good about myself before I play some runescape.

Today, we welded the back two legs onto our scorpion monument, and the thing is strong enough to carry its own weight! So far, we need to attach the tail, which needs a stinger and another segment, and the claws, which we have put together but which have yet to be attached to the body, the head (or cephelothorax to use our teacher's term) and the third sets of legs. It is really exciting to see the scorpion coming together, it seems like it took forever to get this far, what with all the wire models we did before we actually got the steel grinder and the angle cutters and the welder out, and then it took forever to figure out how to use them. However, we now know how to use them, and the part of the class that really cares about the project is really excited.

It is raining today. It rained yesterday as well (which is when I learned that welders don't work while they are wet, and it is raining.) I love it when it rains. It rains every day for a month in spring, and then not at all for the rest of the year, so when that month rolls around, I have fun. (I suspect that rain makes me more active than I normally am, I certainly feel more energetic.) at any rate, It looks like I have a good 40 minutes to play Runescape.


Andrew said...

scorpion model...sweet man, how big? that is pretty cool, i need a class like that...seriously...

Charity said...

*groan* you play Runescape??

Graham said...

we just attached the tail today actually, shot four welding electrodes doing it... but it is now firmly affixed to the scorpion. It is about (if the tail was stretched out straight and if you count the claws,) four yards long. It is by far the coolest class I have. Today, our teacher told us that we would have to hide the scorpion for several days when the accrededation people come through because welding might not be "safe" He is going to have to hide his black widow spider as well as some other things...

Yes, I play Runescape, and I am a hopeless addict. if you play, add me to your friends list as shiekhgray (although I somehow seriously doubt that you do...)