Monday, February 13, 2006

Driving and Doom

I may have to take driving lessons this summer. I have been trying to put them off, as I will get far more responsibility than I want when I learn to drive. My fears are thus: 1. Mom and Dad will pawn off all their driving errands onto me. 2. I will probably get to drive my little siblings around town. 3. I will have to pay for fuel, and I want an iPod, a base guitar, and a steel string guitar. Also, there is nowhere in town that I want to go to that I can't get to via public transportation, (which my parents pay for.) there is simply no reason for me to drive here. However, I think my dad is conspiring against me: he has (I think) rigged up some sort of driver's ed thing in Indiana, so that I can drive back to TN for my parents, and then I can do all the aforesaid horrors for them once I get back.


Charity said...

I really didn't want to drive before I took driver's ed last summer. But after I learned, I kind of liked it. Now that we're in Australia, though, I can't get my permit until next month (when I turn 16) and can't get my license until I'm 18 (or return to the U.S.). I don't mind so much, though... driving on the other side of the rode is a scary prospect.

By the way, you may not really know me, but I know who you are... I got your blog name off of Andrew's blog.

Graham said...

That's interesting. I was under the impression that I was some deviation from the normal American kid, but anyway, it's good to know that it isn't all bad... We have been in England several times and my Dad has driven on the "wrong" side of the road before. He is absent minded at best, and he managed to pull it off.

I have seen your name on Andrew's blog too, and I should probably know your face too, but I don't go to America often enough to get everyone connected...

Anonymous said...

Growing up and responsibility sucks, huh?
I guess the solution is just to simply avoid it, and then just maybe it'll disappear and you'll never have to face it....