Tuesday, March 10, 2009


because messes are so much cooler in 3D. Did this with my phone and photoshop. Due to my ignorance, the left and right sides are trimmed quite a bit in the image, and the eyes take longer than normal to adjust, but its probably because I'm not using a 3D camera. This was just a fast experiment that turned out to work fairly well. I was excited.


Scott said...

Very cool. Some day you should go to the physics library and find the Morse and Feshbach "Methods of Theoretical Physics." Look up the section on orthogonal coordinate systems. There are stereo pictures in there. If you succeed in getting your eyes to look at the diagrams independently, it's better than drugs!

Scott said...

BTW, I hope you don't die of foreshortening.

Graham said...

I may go blind of it...

Charity said...


Just so you know (which you probably won't because you are probably out of the blogging world at this time...).