Saturday, June 07, 2008


A few nights ago I had a dream about dad trying to wake me up. He used to employ all sorts of bizarre methods that went as far as beating the bottom of my bed with a hammer. Jarring. At any rate, he was not beyond hauling me out of bed by my feet, pouring water on me, or balancing hot coffee on my forehead until I woke up.

I had gone to bed sort of late the night before, and so my brain must have been really out of it by the time I started dreaming at 5:40 ish AM. In my dream dad was doing his level best to wake me up, and he finally pulled it off. I awoke and all I could hear was my brain screaming "psyche!" and cackling at me.

On that note, family/party gets in Friday. 


Anonymous said...

ha ha funny. But how did you know that your dad was doing all that unless you were awake?

Graham said...

what happens is you wake up either with coffee all over the place, or because there is a hot coffee mug searing a ring into the surface of your forehead. You wake up to feel your self momentarily jolted off of your bed and see dad waving a hammer at you. You don't need to be awake for all of it to know what happened.

Anonymous said...

The coffee/hammer combo sounds cool. does it work, what with the potential for a coffee ring burn and blunt force trauma?

Christina said...

Dang! I spose this means I've missed your family!!!! How long are they gonna be in Lafayette?

Christina said...

Wait, never mind. They're gonna be in church next Sunday then, right?

Graham said...

yes, both the coffee and the hammer do the trick. It really does work, its quite odd. I'll be sleepy for the next few hours, but it does get me up. fast.

You have not missed my family, they may be in church next sunday, if they are awake enough to get there.

Scott said...

In my defense (as Graham's dad), I will say that my methods were driven by desperation - Graham doesn't wake up unless there is some sort of drama, and not always then!

Graham said...

as if it was about the drama...