Thursday, February 14, 2008

pickups and tuning forks

Did you know that if you bang a tuning fork and hold it up to the pickups of an electric guitar it will make an interesting noise? Just so you know...


Christina said...

That would be an interesting fact if 1) I had a tuning pick and 2) if I had an electric guitar.

Unknown said...

dude... that's a totally old picture. just so you know.

Jeffrey said...

I did know that actually....I failed to tell you because I assumed you'd try it eventually and would find it much more interesting doing it yourself.

Graham said...

did u really know that?

Charity said...

wow, thank you so much for sharing that. I feel much more knowledge-ful now. :D

Sorry I haven't been to your blog in a while... I'm sorry you're so busy. My brothers always seem to be too busy, too. Maybe I shouldn't go to Purdue afterall...

Christina said...

Hey, every college is gonna be that way no matter where you go. You just gotta bite the bullet and do it. I've heard it gets easier as time goes on.