Tuesday, December 11, 2007


I finished my first semester of University. I just have to hold out for another day. I think I have the books, video games and empty pieces of paper to keep my mind off of all this glorious free time. I haven't been this high since... uh... um... A while. (That's sad Graham. I know, but you can shut up. No, you. Go away, there is only supposed to be one personality going on here. What? Why? Just because the semester ended doesn't mean you can utterly loose it. Since when have I lost it? Just now! What? Yes! I'm me, what does that have to do with loosing it? Uh... Only everything? Oh...yeah...about that...forgot... heh, sorry me. So, now that we are done arguing with myself, we can continue our blog.) I now feel the delirium of nearly pure bliss. The only two things disturbing my inner peace (shaky as it is) is the fact that I have to wait a whole week to get on an airplane to go home, and the second is the simple fact that I have a good solid another 7 semesters to go, and they probably only get harder. Oh well, I have a month off now. Time to destroy something.


Jeffrey said...

if the semester's over...what's stopping you from getting on a plane and leaving...ah well, whatever.
I imagine you'll find enough to do...if not, you can always engage in deep philosophical debates with yourself.

Unknown said...

they do indeed get harder, but in yearly increments, not semesterly increments.

Graham said...

Jeffrey, who are you to complain about psychosis? Lol. Us nerds needa stick together.

Probably not a good thing that it gets harder... How is sophmorism going for you?