Monday, January 15, 2007


Blah. In next to no time at all I shall be 18 and shall have to bear up under governmental irritations such as taxes and the draft, and get sent off to Iraq and shot for all I'm worth! I still don't have a drivers license... I wonder how much longer that will last. Hopefully another six months at least. Ah well, birthdays aren't all evil: I got a music stand! And a musheda! Tallesin will recall how wonderful those can be from our travels to far off exotic islands... This one is really nice: its blue, very dark blue, and has gold colored stitching in it. Its wool too, so it should be nice and warm on airplanes and such. I like it a lot. Anyway, I finally noticed that the song wasn't all the way loaded, so I fixed that. (I hope.) It is Sweet Sacrifice by Evanescence on the album The Open Door.


Anonymous said...

Score! (I get first comment)

Hey Graham, just a quick note to say that I got my computer back and I'd love to chat sometime. Look for me mano! Congrats on the musheda (should be useful if you go to Socotra this year.) By the way, what are excursions looking like now?

Jasmine said...

i still don't hear the song. know, the other reason you were supposed to be at our new year's party was so i could steal your cd. . .or at least hear it.

Graham said...

I'd love to chat 2. I haven't really been getting online a lot recently, except durring yearbook. Excursions look like they will be normalish. There is a dive excursion to malasia, a ecotrip to cyprus, and kieth is going to socotra. I wish I could go to that one, but I don't have the resources to do it. Bummer. There may be some sort of senior excursion to who knows where, Canada or Egypt or something.

I figured that that was part of the reason for me 2 have been at that party. Its a pitty u can't hear it, cause it is really sweet.