Wednesday, January 31, 2007

A legal A dolt

yep, eighteen. Bummer. I can now die for my country, not that I would or anything, I think I would try to get out of something as stupid as the army by claiming something weird like pacifistic objectionator or whatever it is that they call those people despite the fact that I am not actually a pacifist. Rather, I believe that the problems we have now can't be solved by military might. Look at how far that got us. We can't even find bin Laden. The only remedy I can think of is immaturity. I think I drove Jason a bit bonkers in Physics this morning with springs and weights...

Ok, something funny I saw in school today: go to for a funny page on the effects of caffeine on spiders.


Anonymous said...

Joining the army doesn't mean that you fight. For example, you could join the army as an engineering major and build the next generation of fighter aircraft, join it as a comm/poli-sci major and become a military diplomat, or who knows what else. Not that I'd ever join (I'm too much of a wimp), but I personally do respect the people who do.

Jasmine said...

you know. . .i don't think you're going to get drafted anytime soon, so I wouldn't worry too much about being 18. but happy birthday and all. be excited! now you can legally smoke in the US. Smoking is retarded, but you can technically do it. so exciting. Also, you can now get your body pierced without parental consent. also retarded, but not as retarded as smoking. anyways. i'm typing too much. bye!

Jeffrey said...

I'm guessing you could get out of being drafted by claiming to be insane...It certainly doesn't take much imagination to imagine you being so.
Jeremy does have a point though, joining the army as an engineer wouldn't be that bad, and they probably pay fairly well too.

Anonymous said...

And they pay you to blow stuff up at range. That's always a plus. Remember, mechanical engineers make weapons, civil engineers make targets...

Tamara Rose said...


There is a girl/lady who just joined the marines. Its really funny becase she's this really.... well she used to be a modle and stuff and she's about the last person you'd think of to join anything in the Army. Just random story, but btw, our millitary isn't really dumb, it pretty much keeps us all from dieing. So not sure if i'd agree with you, but whatever.

well hope you're doing well. Just thought I'd say hello. :)

p.s. I'm excited that the Webbs are going over and will get to see you. More cool Aussies for you to meet! :) Tata!

Anonymous said...

Well happy birthday! Hope you had a good one. I can't wait to turn 18...but I will. :o)

Graham said...

Having done some extensive research on terrorism though, I am forced to conclude that our military presence in the middle east is only agrivating the problem, not aleviating it. Thankyou all for your encouragement and support though, I do appreciate it, however much it sounds like I don't; thankyou all for commenting