Monday, August 21, 2006

The Twenty First

At least it might be. What month is it anyway? Moving on, I became a chimney sweep today! Sounds exciting, right? Well, folks, hate to break it to you, but its pretty dull. Basically, there is a mess in the chimney, so you knock it out by beating a heavy chain around on the inside of the chimney for 10 minutes or so to knock all the soot and gunk out, but, you guessed it, the mess is not gone, it just moved. Now it is in the fireplace and you have to clean that out, and you have to fool with the thing halfway up the chimney that controls airflow and all that, not a lot of fun. Then, you have to get the broom out and sweep it all out of the fireplace, and it can't touch anything, cause it will get black gunk over it, but supposedly it is now good luck to either shake my hand or to have me blow you a kiss, but the latter haven't been acquirable, even on the black market, for the past several years or so...

At any rate, I think that Andrew and I managed to deduce not so mathematically and logically that the fifth dimension is the multiverse, but that leaves very little for the sixth... And the multiverse is so two dimensional, but to understand it, you have to know just enough quantum mechanics to confuse you, and we know less, so we don't get it either.

Hey, if you guys want cool backgrounds for your computers, go to google images, and type in fractal flames and see what you get.


Jasmine said...

the fractal flames are cool--but you are now officially a geek. maybe you should work on blowing those kisses.
funny thing though--your blog tells me it was from the 22nd. . .so you were WRONG. just thought i'd let you know!

Anonymous said...

Hey, I'm too tired to think logically, but do tell how you deduced your dimensional stuff. College keeps you up way too long.

Jeffrey said...

Yes, I agree with Jeremy. Tell us how you deduced it.
Do not work on blowing kisses!! I think that would scare pretty much everyone who knows, except for Jasmine, who would think it hilarious. It is definitely August now. I have to keep up to date because school has started. Anyways, see you soon (unless you forget the day you are leaving...that would be very bad).

Graham said...

maybe it is the 22. I checked the computer and it since it is grandpa's it is definitely possible that it is the 22, while it says its the 21... I have gotten used to being wrong about the date though.

ok. If the first dimension is a line, the second is a plane, the third is space, the fourth is time, right? the multiverse (for those of u who don't know) is all possible universes stacked up on top of eachother. Certain smart people proved that it must exist along with tacheons and other confusing things and what not... ok. that being said, if u imagine time as a whole lot of frames, like from a video camera, you can imagine it sorta like a line, or the first dimension. If u continue the corespondance, the fifth dimension is going to be like the second, and will have a 2d sorta feel to it, so if you line up all the universes time frames up next to eachother, u get a plane of time frames from all possible universes. Unfortunately, this leaves very little room for the sixth dimension, whatever it is. I mean, how can u get more complex than all possible times for all possible universes? we considered unreality, but since the first 5 were real, it didn't make sense that the 6 wouldn't be, and if it was, there would then be an infinite number of unreal dimensions to fool with, so that is uncool and we dropped that idea.

Anonymous said...

I'm sticking with my thoughts earlier. The first, second, and third are all "where." The fourth is "when," so perhaps another dimension is it's identity, or it's "who." Another could be "how," or the expression of its identity, how it does stuff. And finally, on the deepest and most remote level of dimension, would be the object's purpose, its "why." That last has some very interesting theological ramifications, in my opinion. So yeah.

Andrew said...

hmm, interesting theology, havn't heard that one before...

anyway, well, graham, i got another idea about dimensions, get this, if you take simple algebra you get an interesting concept. You know there are monomials, binomials, trinomials...etc. well, of course there are equations to solve problems with these algebraic terms. So you get the quadratic equation and others of that type. However...for the longest time scientists tried to find a quintic equation. They could find equations for 1st 2nd third and fourth, (all variants of the quadratic equation) they even found an equation for the sixth polynomial, but couldn't find one for the fifth. well, apparently there isn't one. because it's impossible or it's UNREAL. Ok, so now what if the 5th dimension didn't exist...ok, so maybe it was UNREAL? big question. I've been playing with can throw some geometry in too, like 5 sided things, like pentagon is the first shape that gives you a star when you connect diagonals...etc. anyway, just some random thoughts...

Graham said...

the problem with ur Idea Jer is that you have to choose what the next dimension is, there is no "mathmatical" or "quasi logical" way of deciding what the next dimension is.

the problem with UNREAL is that it is imaginary, and results in the square root of a negative number, which works if u take my meaning, and does exist... But I like the idea...

had another thought: the sixth dimension is an infinite number of multiverses, all stacked up on eachother, and they would all have different rules and such, and would start out with different amounts of matter/energy and develope from there... dunno.

Anonymous said...

You are all very strange.

The Phantom of the Kitchen.